Is your home at its best?


At times most of us has felt the sensation that something was off in our home. Have you ever wondered why? If so, then you may be interested in Feng Shui. But, first, let me introduce the basics of Feng Shui in the home.
In this post about Feng Shui, I will explain what it takes to create a happy home. I will discuss Feng Shui’s guiding principles and how they help people build their ideal surroundings. I will also mention some specific ways to apply Feng Shui ideas in your home.  So what is Feng Shui?  Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that revolves around creating good energy flow to help people live better.

What is Feng Sui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art, and it is the study of how energy flows around us and why it can affect our health, wealth, relationships- everything.

Feng shui starts with the belief that there are two types of energy in the world: yin and yang. These two energies are constantly interacting with one another. When they are balanced, good things happen to you. When they’re not balanced, bad things happen to you.

Basic Principles

The basic principles of Feng Shui are the four key ideas: Yin Yang theory, Qi or life force which circulates through our body, Bagua which describes eight directions around us and our homes based on how we live about them,

So we know that Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that has been around for thousands of years. So how does that work in practice, well one way to make your home feel alive and welcoming are by placing objects in specific ways that will create the most positive energy flow.

Feng shui is a way of applying the principles of balance to your life to achieve success. The basis of feng shui is the idea that everything in life, including your home, should be balanced. Things should not lean too far towards one side and not have one side completely dominate the other.

Balancing the energy in your home is essential to avoid negative energy or chi from hurting your family and destroying your home. The four pillars principle of Feng Shui is about arranging the objects in your home to create balance and wellbeing.

The Four Pillars

The four pillars principle of feng shui is:

1) know where you are,

2) know what you want,

3) know how things work and

4) know what makes you happy.

The ancient Chinese practice for balancing energy and improving your life comes from the idea of balancing chi, or life energy. There are four different types of chi:

The first pillar is Bagua, which represents your environment and includes your living spaces and personal items. This pillar helps you find balance by looking at how you spend your time and how your possessions affect you.

The second pillar is called Ming-treng, which means “the path of light.” This pillar ensures a sense of openness in every space and cleanliness to invite positive energies into one’s life.

The third pillar of the Five Pillars is called Jia-chai and means “creating a harmonious society”.

The fourth pillar refers to the “Heart of Home” or “Heart of Family”. This area includes all living spaces such as bedrooms, offices, kitchens and dining rooms.

In the home

Therefore transforming your home space to balance the forces in the environment and people’s lives is a great place to start.

You can apply feng shui to any space, from a small apartment or bedroom to an entire house or office building. A good feng shui environment will bring balance and energy and help you lead a happier life.

-Balance: You should find a balance between all of your rooms. For example, the kitchen should not be near the front door, so it doesn’t invite negative influences from outside. Likewise, the bathroom should not be near your bed because this might cause nightmares and interrupted sleep patterns.

Energy: You should also try to create positive energy by using colours that traditionally mean happiness or relaxation. An excellent way to design a relaxing atmosphere is through blue and green colours.

Whichever part of your home you decide to Feng Shui, it can only positively impact your health, wellbeing, and life.

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