Low mood, could a simple plant be the answer?



There’s something about tending plants that boosts mood and helps you feel better from the number of people out there who love to garden. But if you don’t have the time, space, or inclination for gardening, that doesn’t mean you can’t get the benefits of plants in your own home. The key is to choose the best mood-boosting indoor plants – let’s take a look at what they are.

How can plants help to improve mood?

First, a little science to help us understand why it is a great idea to get some of these mood-improving plants into your home or even in the office; let’s explain

Indoor plants may help reduce stress levels.

We all know that plants can improve your mood when ingested in the form of these Delta 9 Gummies or St. John’s Wort supplements, for example, but that you don’t have to eat them for them to boost your mood. One study compared a group of people assigned one of two tasks – caring for a plant or completing a short computer task. After each task, the plant carers showed lower stress rates, heart rate, and blood pressure. This is a small example of something that most gardeners will tell you – looking after plants reduces stress levels.




Plants may help you recover from illness faster.

Looking after plants in your home, even in simple ways, has been shown to help people recovering from illness or injury, even surgery. Unfortunately, the study focused on a hospital setting, but there’s no reason to view the same benefits in your own home.

Plants may boost your productivity.

Various studies have shown that people working with a plant in their office area will be more productive than those without one. With more people than ever working from home, you get the productivity benefits and all the other benefits of having a plant in your home.

Plants may improve the quality of indoor air.

Finally, improving air quality in your home can also significantly impact mental and physical health. We are all surrounded by countless toxins and pollutants that we are unaware of, and anything that cuts these back will benefit us in numerous ways.




Best mood-boosting indoor plants

So while any plant can have a positive impact on your home or office, some stand out from the crowd for various reasons.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel can assist with acne, burns, and dry skin, both physically and mentally.  Place your aloe vera plant in bright but indirect sunlight and allow it to dry in between waterings to help it grow.


The common cactus is an essential ingredient in any list of houseplants. Like many other plants on this list, a cactus may purify the air and even increase productivity – great if you’re working from home!

The even better news is that cacti are low-maintenance, and they don’t require much watering, even less in the winter.

English ivy

English ivy, like peace lilies, absorbs mould in the air, which can help purify your environment; it also has qualities that aid in the reduction of restlessness, allowing you to relax better at night.

Keep your English ivy in sunlight and make sure its soil is somewhat moist to keep it flourishing.

Gerbera daisy

Gerbera daisies are the most efficient plant for removing benzene from the air and other pollutants. Furthermore, because they provide oxygen during the night, they’re great for folks who have sleep apnea.

Gerberas prefer bright morning sunlight, but they should be placed in a shadier location in the afternoon to avoid the sun scorching their leaves. Then, place it under a light in the winter to assist it to grow.


Place your lavender plant in your bedroom, and it will help reduce stress levels, allowing you to sleep better. Water it regularly and keep it in a location that gets a lot of light to develop.

Monstera plant

The Monstera (also known as a Swiss cheese plant) is prevalent on social media and has been clogging up your Instagram feed, but it might improve your mood. They purify the air while also enabling you to cultivate new plants from their cuts.

Because Monstera plants are poisonous to pets and small children, you must be careful about where you put them. In addition, they thrive in humid places away from direct sunlight, making the bathroom the ideal location.

Peace lily

Peace lilies are excellent houseplants since not only do they trap mould particles in the air, but, more importantly, they absorb their water and then release it back into the room.

If you want your peace lily to blossom, expose it to morning light in the mornings and shade it from late-evening light. You should also keep its soil wet and lightly spray its leaves regularly.

Peace lilies are dangerous to dogs, so be careful to keep them out of their reach.

Peacock plant

Peacock plants help to purify your home by eliminating chemical vapours from the air.

They do, however, need a lot of attention since they prefer temperatures of 18-27 degrees Celsius. Keep your spider mite infestation at bay by storing it in an area with high humidity and indirect light.

Snake plant

Have you had difficulties keeping plants alive in the past? A snake plant is an excellent choice since it requires little upkeep but may significantly improve your health by providing moisture and releasing oxygen. They’re particularly beneficial for people with allergies, as they provide moisture to the air while also releasing oxygen. Surprisingly, they were the most Googled plant in confinement!

Venus flytrap

While Venus flytraps don’t purify the air, they’re pretty successful at removing flies and spiders from your house (great news if you’re afraid of those 8-legged monsters!).

They like to be fed bottled or filtered water, so avoid pouring straight from the tap wherever feasible. Leave your Venus flytrap out in the light on warm days before returning them inside in the evening if you have a patio or garden.

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