Want To Add a Canine Companion to Your Family? Here Are Some Important Things To Think About

Are you thinking about adding a new canine companion to your family? If so, then there are a lot of things you need to think about before making such a big and important decision. We know that it’s really tempting to add a big pet to your family, especially if your kids have been screaming about having one since they met the neighbor’s new dog.


However, having a dog is a big decision that you need to think about carefully because they’re a living and breathing animal with feelings and emotions. You can’t just add one to your family and then abandon it because you’re bored with your dog! So here are some considerations to keep in mind.



Buying a puppy vs buying a dog


There are two main ways to obtain a dog; to buy a puppy or buy a rescue dog! The two are completely different and it’s a really big decision that you should think about before you invest your time and money into it.


In many cases, obtaining a dog means that you’re doing it to get a puppy. You might speak with various kinds of dog experts who have puppies available, or are expecting a litter of puppies soon. You could also go to pet stores that have puppies, and you’ll have a range to interact with and choose from. The other common way to get a pet is to visit a shelter and to look for a rescue dog. This can be a great option if you want that additional element of saving a dog.


A lot of nice people go to shelters just to make sure that a dog isn’t suffering or being abandoned, and rescue dogs can really add something special to your home. Giving a dog that was once left and forgotten a new home can add a lot of warmth to your heart, and there’s also the plus that they are likely already trained.


Training is actually one of those big things that owners are worried about when getting a puppy. After all, a puppy is a new dog much like a baby–they don’t know much about the world and they’ve rarely interacted with humans. Raising a puppy from an early age can really help them familiarize themselves with your family, but it also comes with the responsibility of training the puppy.


If you’re not prepared to train a dog or aren’t feeling up to the job, then you could always speak with puppy training services. This can be a great way to teach your puppy some basic skills to ensure they aren’t causing a mess in your home, but it’s always a good idea to think about doing it yourself sometime because it adds a whole new dimension to your relationship, and they also get used to your voice.


But of course, you could just avoid all of that effort by looking for a rescue dog at a shelter. Either way, adding a new canine companion to your family is going to be a huge undertaking that will require a lot of effort either way–so it’s really down to your personal preferences and how you want to help your new dog get used to their new home.



What kind of breed are you looking for?


It’s also a good idea to consider the breed of dog that you’re looking for.


Many people believe that looking at breeds is all about the aesthetics or looks for the dog. But in reality, choosing a breed can also be a lot about the type of dog that you want in the home. For example, Labradoodle dogs are hybrids of Labrador Retrievers and Poodles. They are known for their fun and playful attitude, and they can grow up to 50 pounds which is fairly big! They’re sweet, affectionate, and are great for other animals and kids. If you’re raising a family and already have a cat or other pets in the home, then a Labradoodle is a great addition!


These are the types of considerations you should keep in mind when choosing a dog. Yes, dogs can be trained to fit into almost any family, but it can definitely help if you choose a dog that has a personality suited for your family. So how do you go about picking a specific breed?


Websites like https://chocolatelabradorretriever.ca/lab-retriever-michigan/ specialize in very specific breeds of puppies and are a great place to start. You could also phone local shelters and pet stores to see what kind of breeds they currently have. There are also websites that could list all of the specific breeds available in your local area.


Do expect to search around or travel a lot to obtain a very specific breed. If you want a certain kind of dog or a dog with a specific personality, then it’s going to take a bit of time to look for them.


But with that said, it’s really important to understand that your dog breed isn’t the most important thing when it comes to personality. Yes, we mentioned it, but it’s mostly down to stereotypes and how those dogs are trained. In reality, dog breed doesn’t predict behavior, but rather they are shaped by their environment. However, there’s no denying that certain dogs just have certain instincts, such as protecting their owners or just being more comfortable around other pets. This is usually more important if you’re bringing in a fully-grown dog into the family, but not the case if you’re raising them as a puppy.


Adding a dog to the family is going to be a huge undertaking. You’ll need to do everything from cleaning after your dog to thinking about gift ideas for their birthday. If you treat them like a real addition to the family, then you’ll have to put in a considerable amount of time. As long as you stick with it and think about all the good times ahead of you, it’ll be a fun and rewarding experience.

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